HOVAWART Height: 26 to 28 inches (male); 24 to 27 inches (female). Weight: 80 to 100 pounds (male); 60 to 80 (female). Size: Large. Availability: Very difficult to find. History: Popular in Germany, but virtually unknown in the United States, the Hovawart is a versatile, intelligent breed. Though written evidence of the existence of the "Hofewart" goes back to the 1200's, the breed became nearly extinct and was reconstructed in the 1920's by Kurt Konig. Konig's efforts were successful, and the Hovawart was recognized by the German Kennel Club in 1937. The Hovawart is a fine watchdog, excellent family companion, and excels in Schutzhund and tracking. There are currently only about 100 Hovawarts in the United States. Description: A large, robust dog, looking somewhat like a Golden Retriever with fairly low-set triangular pendant ears. There is feathering on the chest, legs, undersides and tail. The body is slightly longer than tall with a straight back and a gently sloping croup. The tail hangs past the hocks and is all covered with hair. The head is powerful with a rounded forehead. The muzzle is never longer than the skull. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite (level bites are accepted but not preferred). The eyes are dark. The single dense coat comes in blonde, black, or black and tan, with certain markings specified in the standard. Notes: A very healthy breed, the Hovawart is not predisposed to any specific genetic diseases. While hip dysplasia is present in the breed, stringent breeding practices have kept this debilitating disease to a minimum. Lives about 11-12 years. Likes backpacking and hiking. Personality: Calm at home, energetic outdoors. Intelligent and highly trainable. Brave and alert. Puppy-like for many years. Protective. Affectionate. Unneutered males can be quite a challenge to handle. This dominant breed needs a firm, experienced master. May be aggressive with same sex dogs but does well with non-canine pets in the household. Fine with children when well-socialized with them as a puppy. Behavior: Children: Excellent with children. Friendliness: Reserved with strangers. Trainability: Easy to train. Independence: Fairly independent. Dominance: High. Other Pets: Generally good with other dogs; do not trust with non-canine pets. Combativeness: Can be a bit dog-aggressive. Noise: Average barker. Grooming and Physical Needs: Grooming: Regular grooming needed. Trimming & Stripping: No trimming or stripping needed. Coat: Feathered coat. Shedding: Average shedder. Exercise: Needs lots of exercise. Jogging: A good jogging companion. Indoors: Moderately active indoors. Apartments: Not recommended for apartments. Outdoor Space: Best with at least an average-size yard. Climate: Prefers cool climates. Owner: Not recommended for novice owners. Longevity: Average (10 to 12 years). Talents: tracking, watchdog, search & rescue, and Schutzhund. For More Information: Hovawart Club of America, Nancy Gyes, President, 10711 Crothers Rd., San Jose, CA 95127 Photo Caption: HOVAWART Ch. Nabor von der Eisenschmeide, CD. Owned by Nancy Gyes, Hovawarts von Alpha Sierra. Photo copyright Bill Newcomb Photography, San Jose, California.